Monday, November 4, 2013

Homemade Teeth Whitening

Now I know this sounds silly, but why pay $30-$50 on teeth whitening strips when you can just make your own stuff at home!?!

In the expense of trying to save money with the home made detergent which I still have a ton of; I came across a recipe for homemade teeth whitening. It persisted of:

1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp hydrogen peroxide
1/2 tsp water
little dab of toothpaste

Mix all of this in a little bowl. Dip your tooth brush in the mixture and then brush for the normal 2 recommended minutes.


It's not the best tasting mixture in the world but then again neither are some tooth pastes. After you've brushed your teeth, rinse mouth out with water.

I got all of this from a post on Pinterest.  It wasn't were I could copy the link and give it that way.

So far I've done this once a week for the last 2 weeks and I've noticed that my teeth have whitened and I'm having to pay a whole lot anymore. I wish I would have taken some before and after pictures, but somehow you never really think of doing that until afterwards...or at least that's me anyways.

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